My best excuses for not exercising (and the #ProFormTeams tips for getting around them)
I’m tired, I’m afraid of hurting myself, I don’t have the time… What are your best excuses for not
exercising? Thanks to tips from the #ProFormTeam, I won’t be able to hide behind these excuses to
avoid my sessions.
I don’t have time to exercise

No time. This is the most common excuse of all generations for not exercising, be it cancelling the
Tuesday session or simply not starting. How do other people manage to train despite having a busy
job, the same professional or family responsibilities as you, or having to use public transport? We all
have 24 hours in each day, so here are some ideas on how to leave a little room for exercise:
Set aside time to make exercise a regular part of your week.
● Depending on your personality, setting an achievable goal, such as 15 minutes of cardio
per day, can sometimes work better than setting aside a time slot.
● Follow a ready-made training programme (pre-defined goal, frequency and duration of
● Shorten the sessions: finding 5 minutes a day is possible for everyone!
● Mix 2 activities: walk on your treadmill while watching a TV series, listening to podcasts or
audiobooks, etc.
I don’t feel like exercising

Believe the #ProFormTeam, it’s when you least want to exercise that you need it most! Let’s identify
the source of this excuse and find a solution:
● I don’t want to change my habits: exercising doesn’t really change your lifestyle unless
you decide it will. It can be done gently, in small steps.
● I’m afraid I’ll be laughed at, I’ve never been athletic: moving more to be healthy is a
commitment you make to yourself. Train alone at home without fearing the gaze of
others. Little by little, you will gain confidence in your abilities and will integrate physical
activity more into your life if you want to.
● I have more interesting things to do: don’t look at exercise as a burden, it’s THE way to
keep doing what you love for as long as possible!
● I’m afraid of hurting myself: there are gentle, non-impact activities such as yoga, Pilates
and rowing that you can try. If you follow a beginner’s programme with a coach, hydrate
well and go at your own pace without neglecting the warm-up and cool-down, you’ll be
fine! The more you train and the stronger your body becomes: far from getting injured,
you become more resistant and do yourself good!
I don’t like exercising, it’s not for me
Okay, so tell us what you like and we’ll tell you what activity is for you:
● I like to be in nature, there’s no way I’m going to lock myself in a gym: you can go running,
climbing, walking in the forest, trail riding, cycling, rowing, etc.
● I like to spend time with others, working out is too solitary: try a wrestling discipline, join
a team sport or work out with a friend. You might enjoy volleyball, basketball, Zumba,
synchronised swimming, football, judo, boxing, and suchlike.
● I like being at home; going to a gym to touch machines used by others? No thanks: home
fitness is for you! Your equipment, your outfit, your machines: you have complete control
over your space. After a shower, you can put on a soft bathrobe and settle straight onto
your sofa.
Among the many different disciplines that exist, you are bound to find YOUR way of exercising!
Besides, you don’t need to be an athlete to start moving: doing squats in front of your mirror while
brushing your teeth or dancing while vacuuming is also exercise!
I don’t see any results, there’s no point

Is your final goal perhaps a little too ambitious? Break it down into motivating sub-goals to see
yourself progress!
Keep a training journal to record how exercise affects you. Write in it regularly:
● Your measurements
● Your performance: calories burned, training time, the number of movements performed or stairs climbed before you are out of breath, and so on
● Your mood (before and after exercising or in the morning and evening)
● The quality of your sleep
● Additional sub-goals
Exercise has positive effects on stress, appetite, breathing, physical stamina, weight regulation,
morale, long-term cardiovascular health, memory and more. It makes your body work at its best! Be
aware of the little things that make you a better version of yourself every day.
OK, I’m convinced, I’ll start tomorrow or next week…
Why not now? What do you have planned for the next 10 minutes? Would you like to go for a walk
around your house or do a quick session without equipment on iFIT? It’s up to you to create the
perfect opportunity to get started. We believe in you!
For more information and tips around your personalised training – Visit our other articles